Allied Crawford
Funeral home at 3719 Amy Lynn Drive, Nashville, TN 37218
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Categories | Funeral home |
Address | 3719 Amy Lynn Drive Nashville TN 37218 Get directions |
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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ (4 reviews)
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Last reviews about Allied Crawford
in Nashville, TN
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- ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
DON'T TRY TO DELIVER EARLY. the appointments manager says ya we will work you in but I've sat here for 17 hours waiting to unload and watched day shift only unload 2 trucks yesterday and might shift only load 3..biggest liars and lazy bottoms i ever meet
Added June 19, 2017 by Patrick Robinson - ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
They were nice to me. The lady at counter the guys unloading me. Extremely nice. Got unloaded fast. Yard was muddy but hey that's everywhere.
Added April 24, 2017 by Rebecca Ferguson - ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Been here three hrs and they haven't even done one truck. This place sucks. Don't come here if you can help it. All they do is talk and stand around. Never seen a place so slow. Front desk guy said they didn't have enough people but every time I have to come here it's the same crap. Avoid this place its awful. Minimum 4 hrs to unload here. Pathetic
Added April 11, 2017 by David Lewis - ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Been here since 8:50 AM. Still sitting here waiting to get unloaded. Workers talk a lot and do little work. Had one worker talking bad about truck drivers and making rude nonchalant remarks. Takes them 20 minutes to unload one bundle of metal off of your trailer, then they hang out and talk a bit more. I drive for MYSELF and lost a load I had set up for today. Coming here is costly!!!!!
Added August 11, 2016 by eric hoppman